Thursday, May 10, 2012

The BIG Lie

“The great masses will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one."
-Adolph Hitler

Why do we believe these lies? I can’t understand it myself. It seems so clear to me. But some accept these lies as facts. They have been repeated over and over again. People accept them as gospel. Politicians base policy and campaigns on them. But they are lies. They have NEVER been proven true and current conditions PROVE them lies. Still, people repeat them. And believe them. And base policy and laws on them. And yet, despite the failure of these lies to product the results they claim will happen, they are still believed.

“Where’s the beef?” the old commercial asked. This could be an example of scientific thinking. If the expected result does not happen in an experiment, you must abandon the theory. If you think that if you do A and B that C will happen, and then C does not happen, then A and B are false. If C never happens, then A and B are LIES. Yet time and time again, we want our “facts” to be true, so we refuse to accept the conclusions.

Anna Anderson was proven by DNA not to be Princess Anastasia Romanoff. In fact, she was proven to be a member of a Polish peasant family as other Romanoff’s claimed. Those who believed her claims, continue to do so in spite of the evidence. DNA has freed many who were wrongly convicted, yet there are some who reject overturning their previous conviction.

Where is the evidence to suggest that not taxing the rich and lessening the taxes of corporations leads to job creation?  The rich are fighting attempts to raise their tax rates, other than those who stand with Warren Buffet. Some say this tax increase would only raise minimal funds anyway. In some instances, corporations – large, huge firms –are paying no corporate income taxes. Some of these firms borrowed taxpayer money (funny since some of them paid no taxes) to pay for million dollar bonuses at the time when our economy was at its worst since the Great Depression.

These are facts. The rich are VERY rich. They are not taxed fairly. Corporations contribute to the politicians who pass tax breaks for the corporations.

Our unemployment rate is around 8% down from over 10%.  But it is still too high. We are creating more jobs but they are not replacing the higher income jobs that were lost. The actual unemployment rate is acknowledged to be higher because there are those formerly on unemployment rolls who are still unemployed.  The jobs are not there.

Where’s the beef? IT’S NOT THERE.

There is no REASON to believe the BIG LIE anymore. To do so, is unreasonable.

So let’s stop.

I don’t claim to have the answer, I just know this lie is not creating jobs and saving the economy. So we have to try something else. Don’t believe the BIG LIE.

Palmetto Bug

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